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You Can Make Anything

We create character analyzes using portrait photos, strengths/weakness profiles and suggestions on how to negotiate with the person in question.

Do you have the best or just the mediocre around you?

To the price listAbout the seminar offer

Knowledge of people is the key to success.

No matter how good your products or services are, if you don't have the right people around you, you won't be successful.

Talented employees, loyal customers and competent partners are the basis for every success. But how can you make sure you have the right people around you?

The answer is: knowledge of people through character analysis.

With character analysis you can recognize people's strengths and weaknesses. You find out whether they are a good fit for your company and whether they support your goals.

We offer you a unique opportunity to improve your people skills. We analyze people based on their portrait photo and a defined task.

Dabei berücksichtigen wir folgende Faktoren:

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    Funktion des Mitarbeiters im Team

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    Interesse des potenziellen Kunden an Deinem Produkt oder Deiner Dienstleistung

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    Kompetenz des Dienstleisters

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    Seriosität des Seminaranbieters

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    Zuverlässigkeit des potentiellen Investors

Die Ergebnisse unserer Analyse werden Dich begeistern und Dir helfen, die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen.

Still questions? Call us!

+49 151 291 844 18

Humans not AI

We always do the character analyzes in pairs
(Four Eyes Principle), without the use of AI.

Prices for character analysis from:





Team and group leaders
Department heads
Marketing department heads
Managing Director/Board member up to 500 employees
Managing Director/Head of Marketing
Managing Director/Board member with 500 employees or more
Partners: Doctors, lawyers, tax consultants, auditors, agencies etc.
Additionally, a personal interview for the 7th, 8th, 9th or 10th
for strengths and weaknesses analysis
Heirs, widows and investors are looking for entrepreneurs
M&A (assessment of potential buyers)
Entrepreneur is looking for investor or partner
Strengths and weaknesses analysis of employees and their
Collaboration in teams and departments with the goal
optimal collaboration. Per employee
Customer support:
Which account manager is ideal for which customers?
Acquisition of new customers:
Evaluating opportunities before appointments and presentations





€ 210,00
€ 290,00
€ 290,00
€ 380,00
€ 450,00
€ 550,00
€ 980,00
€ 1.300,00
€ 1.900,00

€ 950,00
€ 2.500,00
€ 2.500,00
€ 2.500,00

€ 210,00

€ 480,00

€ 480,00

All prices plus VAT.



Five profilings, 15% reduction
Ten profilings, 20% reduction

Our seminars

You will learn to correctly assess the true nature of your counterpart and negotiating partner, based on a new method of profiling. You will be able to read character traits in faces and deal confidently with different personality types. Learn more

Für Verhandler

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Für Verkäufer

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Für Personalrecruiter

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Our individual trainings

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Preparation for negotiations

We train you in specific negotiation situations, in particular how to adapt to your opponent in negotiation techniques. We do this training online and offline. It takes a maximum of 3 hours.

Price €650 to €1500 + VAT.

Learn to read people

We offer a three-day intensive course in an inspiring landscape. You are in the continuous character analysis training with Carl Mikosch.

Price € 7500 + VAT
Location: To be determined by you according to your taste and preferences.

Who we are?

Industry proven
Personalities around Carl Mikosch

Who developed the character analysis based on a portrait photo.

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